5th Grade Class- Mr. Weber (The link for our Google Classroom is on the right of the screen)
Social Studies- we wrapped up our unit on The Civil Rights Unit. We did live interviews with important heroes from this time period. Students dressed up at these heroes and we had 1960's reporters asking questions about life during this time. I am so proud of the effort they put into remembering and honoring these heroes who fought for equality!
Earlier this year, we learned about Native Americans and the different places they lived! Student acted like an Inuit Native American family, and they did a live interview; acting like they were the mom, dad and child!
Science- The students have been learning about space, the sun, and the moon phases! Below is a picture of what the students made. They made a homemade sundial to learn how to tell time using the sun and shadows!
Earlier this year we learned about music, sounds and vibrations! Adeline brought in her violin to play it for us!
Last year students made Kalimbas which are African finger pianos
Missing work--
Check with your child for any missing work. They can still get credit for it. It's not too late.
Students can still correct any math homework assigned and turn it in to get those points back. They have until the end of 4th quarter. To receive credit they must show their work :)